Thursday, December 19, 2013

"The Lord's Answer"

So, I'm almost treating this as a personal journal, of sorts.
Yesterday, God shook my soul, by speaking to me through His Word. In Habakkuk 1:5, God says

"Look (Haley)...Be UTTERLY AMAZED. For I am going to do something in your days, that you would not believe, even if you were told."

Yes. He wants to work miracles. He wants to do big things. Things I wouldn't even believe if He said He'd do it.

This Christmas season, our church's sermon series is about Miracles. This ties in perfectly with the season, as celebrate the miracle of our Savior being born to a virgin girl. We are seeking God through prayer, bigger than we ever have as a church family. Praying to an Almighty God who is bigger than anything we could ask Him for. We need not settle for tiny prayers, the ones we think God can handle. We are learning to ask for BIG stuff. Flat out, the blow-you-way-type, MIRACLE prayers.

So, my miracle? a few things tied into one...

God is doing some crazy things with Jason and I. It's exciting, but I can't lie, it's scary too. I haven't "blogged" yet about God's latest request.... Jason is feeling called to leave his banking job. Yep, you know, the good-paying/stable one. He is feeling led to work for himself. To be self-employed. More details to come, but I'll leave it at that.

Sooo... basically, this is what a miracle request (prayer) sounds like:
God show up. God, use our family for Your good. You're obviously about to shake things up some more... so USE it. Blow some minds. Lord, show your power and might. Do the unthinkable, the unbelievable! Work a MIRACLE in us.

  • I am praying consistently for two certain people. Praying for restoration of their relationship with the Lord. 
  • I am praying for God's direction and provision for our family. 
  • I am praying for our adoption journey.
  • I am praying that God uses all the above for His glory.  
So I go back to the beginning of this entry, where God spoke to me yesterday about these prayers of mine, these thoughts in my head...

Today, I read Habakkuk 2. I am blogging about yesterday's reading because of today's! God says

"Write down the revelation and make it plan on tablets... For the revelation awaits an appointed time... and it will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."
Now, I know this has a total different meaning in this chapter of Habakkuk, He is speaking of the end times/judgement. But I felt that my revelation needed to be recorded, so that I can look back and remember God's promises.

So,  it's down on paper. Well... blogged.
Today, December 19, 2013, God promises to amaze me, and do something that I wouldn't believe. Now we must wait and watch for it. It WILL come.
Thank you, Lord, for You are so GOOD and I love You so.

Saturday, December 14, 2013


It's been over a month since the last update. We are currently waiting for our social worker to finish our homestudy report. Then we can move on to the next step, USCIS approval. 
I was reading CCAI's newsletter for the month. They include statistics of children being matched each month. This picture is a clip from the website....

A lot of people assume we will adopt a girl from China, but here it is in writing and stats... More boys needing to be adopted. Confirmation that we feel our child is a boy. 
Right now, I am trying to be patient. I'm ready for all the paperwork to be finished!